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SEO Foundations For Non-Techies Guidebook

I've spent countless hours and sleepless nights learning about SEO and figuring out how the f*ck to set it up correctly on Wordpress. It's taken a lot of trial and error, testing different plugins, not pressing save, and sticking with it into the early hours of the morning night after night, but I finally got it down.

SEO doesn't have to be like that for you though. Because f*ck that shit.

To save you the pain, I made this super awesome guidebook to help you stop f*cking around and set it up right the first time.

👉 You'll be a gazillion percent sure you won't mess it up, because you'll be guided baby-step by baby-step through each and every thing you need to do on your site.

👉 You'll save hours and hours because you won't be pulling out your hair trying to figure out what to set up and how.

👉 You'll even know exactly which plugins to use (and not use!) to lay the best SEO foundations possible for your site.

When you set up your SEO foundations correctly now, you'll be setting yourself up for awesomeness like free traffic from Google, a growing fanbase, and more customers and clients. Because more eyeballs on your site is more money.

So you could f*ck around with searching for blog posts about SEO that you're not totally sure are correct or up to date, and spend the next 3 to 6 months trying to figure it out, losing all that time to be growing your traffic, working with clients, and making more money.

Or you could use the SEO Foundations for Non-Techies Guidebook and get it done now.

Lay your site's SEO foundations now — Google will love you for it.
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What's covered:✅ In-depth exploration of what SEO is and how it works
✅ How to set up meta tags for each page
✅ How to SEOize your images
✅ Using header tags in the right places
✅ More info on page speed and other ways to cut back your load time
✅ How to check your site's mobile-friendliness and mobile-responsiveness
✅ What not to do, and how to not seem spammy to the Google Gods
✅ Google Analytics set up and Google Search Console set up

What's included:🎁 Eight chapters of in-depth, blow-your-mind information and tutorials
🎁 Video tutorials for key sections so you know exactly what to click
🎁 Which plugins to use and which to avoid
🎁 The exact system I use with my clients to set up their SEO foundations
🎁 PLUS an action sheet and checklist so you know how to implement all this sweet ass knowledge

Improving your on-site SEO is like laying the concrete foundations before building your dope theme park of SEOtastic content.

This ebook is an in-depth introduction to on-site SEO, from setting up your tech to optimizing your pages to tracking your basic analytics and avoiding penalties.

Lay the best possible foundations for your site's SEO now, get Google to love you later.

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